16 months

Judah is 16 months.

He loves to wave and say hyeee or byeee. Including when getting in or out of his car seat.


It’s safe to say he is officially walking, no more crawling for this guy.


He is much better at letting us know what he wants, using a combination of words, pointing, and signing.IMG_6360

He is really into figuring things out, or sorting things, or putting things into a bag or box and then taking them out and putting them somewhere else. IMG_6369

He is no longer content riding in the shopping cart without a snack or other distraction. Gone are the days of leisurely strolling through Target.IMG_6389

He loves Curious George.IMG_6401And we’re crazy about him.

{most pictures taken at Hodges Farm, if you’re local and looking for a sweet and simple pumpkin patch, it’s a winner.}