I’m moving!

Alright, It’s not as exciting as you think, we aren’t actually getting a new house or anything, butttttttt, this blog is moving and that’s pretty exciting! (for me at least.)

So, this will be the last post you see here at somethingswong.wordpress.com because my super handsome coder husband has helped me build my very own url over at somethingswong.com! Yay! Don’t worry, I’ll still be journaling my way through all of the things with similar posts to what you have been seeing here, it will (hopefully) be able to reflect a little more of my style, and you will be able to navigate around a little easier.

So, hop on over to the new and improved Some Things Wong and check out the latest post on all the things that are new and how to make sure you never miss a post. See you over in my new home sweet home!


Y’all, 2014 ain’t messin around or slowin down. Am I right?
How cliche is it to say, “I can’t believe January is over!” Well, I said it.


January has been, cold. Really cold. But that’s all I will say about that since my midwest family and friends have been locked in their homes for a month, probably much colder than I. Despite the cold, we did manage to do some really fun things like go to Discovery Place Kids, and the Zoo. I also have added some new things in my etsy shop. Judah started swim lessons and he is having a blast going once a week.
I’ve got big plans brewing for the blog and the shop in the coming months, hopefully before Baby Wong 2 makes his grand appearance. Getting the new nursery ready is also on the schedule for February.
Oh yeah, Happy Chinese New Year! We’re planning on going out for Chinese food this weekend to celebrate. What are you up to?

If you want to follow me on Instagram, you can go here.

Shop Talk

I’ve added a few fabric flowers to the shop that I kind of love. 😉

The first set comes with Team USA in mind. The olympics are coming up so soon, and how festive are these? Plus, you can keep them around for independence day. win.


The second set is technically for Valentine’s Day, but I’m thinking a little girl could use some hearts in her hair pretty much anytime of year. Am I right?


Some of your are thinking, “These are super cute, but the little girl I have in mind is bald.” Don’t worry, you know what I always say. “Bald babies need bows too.” Amen. You’re in luck, I have headbands in the shop in multiple colors…including white, which I feel like goes perfectly with all of the new flowers.

There are also plenty of pairs of earrings left in the shop of you are looking for gifts for any of your friends. Think birthdays, Valentine’s Day, just simply because you love them.

You can click any of the links in this post to find your way to my shop. Or Click Here. Happy Shopping!

Zoo Day

Brandon had this Monday off due to MLK day, and we were blessed with some beautiful 60 degree weather, so we trekked to Asheboro, NC to the North Carolina Zoo. We met Kristin and Brian (my sister and brother in law) and our niece Iliana.  IMG_6863

Judah was pretty into seeing the animals. When he spotted one, he would point right at it, and usually make it’s animal sound. He mostly just liked running along the path though. Which was a good thing since we forgot the stroller, ha. IMG_6867


The Asheboro zoo is beautiful. really spread out with plenty of room for the animals, which means a whole lot of walking for the humans. IMG_6882


25 weeks pregnant, and the walking felt good, until the next day. yikes.

The highlight of the kiddo’s day was probably the large floor fans in the aviary. Judah couldn’t get enough of his hair blowing in the wind.IMG_6915

And Illy got in on the fun too. IMG_6920

(Quacking at the ducks)
IMG_6922This peacock running around gave Judah quite a shock, but Illy was ready to catch him. 🙂

It was a really fun day! It’s really special to get to do these things with Judah before his little brother comes along.

19 months

Oh Judah, somewhere between a baby and a full-blown toddler. IMG_6805

He says thank you, probably more clearly than any of his other words, and for just about everything. It melts us.

He is obsessed with books. You will be hard pressed to find him without one during the day, and they are strewn all over his room, the house, the car, etc. IMG_6816

He loves chrucks. Every noise outside must be a chruck. His Didi got him a chruck book for Christmas and I get the pleasure of reading it with him several times a day. IMG_6822

He’s a fan of bas-et-ball. IMG_6830

We’re a fan of the way he claps for himself after making a shot.IMG_6840

Happy 19 months Judah Obi Wong.IMG_6841

Discovery Place Kids


This weekend we decided to brave some rainy weather and head out to take Judah to Discovery Place Kids, in Huntersville, NC. It’s about 20 minutes from our house. I had been there before a few summers ago but Judah and Brandon had never been. It’s an all hands-on children’s museum for kids. I was curious to see how Judah would like it because even though he loves to explore and experiment, he is still on the younger side for a museum like this and I knew it would be a bit crowded and a little overwhelming on a rainy Saturday.
Discovery Kids 1

They have so much stuff to explore. A full size fire truck, and lots of other things to “drive” like a tractor, a boat, and airplane, a race car, and a few more. Judah loves anything with a steering wheel so they were all a big hit. He warmed up quickly even with lots of other kids running around and we were having fun watching him have fun. discovery kids 2

They have a little mock restaurant where the kids can cook and serve their parents meals at little booths, and a sweet little grocery store where you can fill your cart with goodies and even check out on a little conveyer belt. discovery kids 3

They have a huge water table with full sized plastic bibs (thank goodness.) There is a huge room for creating art with pretty much any medium. We steered clear of that area, knowing the mess Judah would have made, but we may give it a try next time when it’s less crowded. discovery kids 4In the center of the museum is a huge jungle gym with a slide. Being 24 weeks pregnant, I only made it up and down with Judah once and then Brandon stepped in and went a few more times with him. At the end of our time we decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and get season passes. That way we can go during the week this winter for something fun to do outside of the house, and maybe spend a few more rainy Saturdays there as well. If you live in the area I highly suggest it, or just come visit us  and Judah can show you around. 🙂

A Coffee Date

Hi there. Why don’t you grab a mug of something warm and sit down with me for a sec. I’ll pretend that my son is fast asleep and not pretending like we both don’t need him to nap, and you can pretend whatever is bothering you doesn’t exist either, just for a minute or two.

How do you decorate your house this time of year? I’m stuck somewhere between Christmas and Valentine’s Day wondering if it’s worth it to leave the “winter” decorations up (read, Christmas decorations that aren’t red and green) or just go for it and hang the hearts. I’m left with a half decorated mantle and drinking today’s coffee out of mug with snowflakes on it. Maybe if I delay the decision long enough it will be acceptable to just go with Valentine’s Day decor anyway.

My current state of pregnancy is somewhere between anxious and what the heck was I thinking. All day I find myself wondering how I will do what I do with 2 babies. I’m brushing my teeth and imagining one hooked to my leg and one strapped to my front. Before Judah was born it was all butterflies and roses imagining life with him in it (at least that’s how I’ve chosen to remember it) and this time I’m a wee but panicked. That’s normal right? I’m sure he’ll get here and it will all go perfectly smoothly and I’ll wonder how we ever did life without him. Bahahaha.

Did you make any new year’s resolutions? What are they? How are you doing so far? I know myself to well to make certifiable resolutions, like things you can count and measure, because the second I fail, I dive head first in the opposite direction, work out every day= miss a day and don’t ever work out again, keep my house clean= get a little behind and then forget it all and not pick up anything for weeks. It isn’t pretty people. For me it’s about heading in a direction. What direction do I want to see my life, my family, my home, my blog, my business, this year. And if I get a little off track it’s ok, as long as I don’t turn completely around and head the other way. Maybe I’ll pray a little more about it and then post about my directions for this year.

Ok so I guess it’s time to stop ignoring that sweet boy not napping. I’m glad we had this little time together. I’ll be praying for you as you start this new year. That God would show you clearly what he is already working and planning in your heart and that you would be able and willing to join Him in it.

xoxo Laci

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that your season was filled with joy and rest and celebration, and if it wasn’t, than I am at least glad for you that it’s over. 🙂 Here is a little recap of what our Christmas celebrations looked like this year.

We started with a Sunday afternoon of opening gifts, just Brandon, Judah and I. Judah is getting the hang of the whole presents thing. He isn’t a pro yet but he gets that it’s for him and that it’s probably going to be fun to play with after dad finally gets it unwrapped, out of the box, assembled, and the batteries installed. He totally gets distracted during the whole thing though, and kept bringing us his bible to read to him instead of moving on to the next gift. So we incorporated some impromptu bible reading (aka animal sound making and saying baby while pointing at any baby he sees) with the present opening, which isn’t such a bad idea anyway. 
Christmas at Home

We didn’t buy anything new for Judah this year because we knew the rest of our family would get him plenty of things, but we did have some extra gifts from his birthday that we had set aside for Christmas. He loved them all and had no idea he had seen them before. The remote control dog was probably the biggest hit. Brandon got pour over coffee accessories, and I got so many good things including books, boots, and pyrex dishes.

On Monday we headed to High Point to spend a few days there with Brandon’s side of the family. Christmas Eve was spent opening gifts with the immediate family, going to the Christmas Eve service at their church, and a buffet of catered food from Christmases around the world.
High Point Christmas Eve
On Christmas day we were blessed with made-to-order omelets for breakfast followed by more family gift opening including a “green santa” exchange where we wrapped up things from our homes, and a really funny game where we tried to open a well wrapped package using oven mitts. High Point Christmas Day

There was also plenty of food and chasing/playing with the babies, and plenty of tim tam slams. Some of us did more slams than others. (read: our friend Shivani, pictured bottom middle)

After dinner on Christmas day, we drove back to Charlotte so that Judah could sleep and we could quickly pack and get up early for our 7am flight to sunny Florida to see my parents and grandparents. The flight was smooth and on time, my parents were delayed a bit coming out of Indiana but they made it down that day as well.
Florida Christmas Jetty

It was really great seeing my family. We hadn’t seen my parents since Judah’s birthday in June, and my grandparents since our last trip to Indiana in February. We spent four days in Florida, mostly relaxing and enjoying the 80 degree sunshine. Judah got a kick out of climbing the rocks by the Jetty and of course the pool was a hit. Florida Christmas

It was a good time for us to catch up, play cards, and watch Judah run around.
Florida Christmas FamilyChristmas was a bit of a whirlwind this year but we had a really good time, and next year there will be 2 little Wong boys to enjoy it with. 🙂

18 months

Happy Half Birthday Judah!


We love the way you put the letter B in front of some of your words. like “bup” for up.
The way that you love to dance and always clap your hands and say “Woooo” at the end of a song.IMG_1180

We love how much you love books and we sometimes find you reading all alone in your own little words.
We love how much you love bags, and how you will load your arms up with them and carry them around the house waving bye bye to us. IMG_1185

We love your fascination with stickers and bubbles, and the way you say “cheeeeese.”IMG_6741

We love how snuggly you are after you get up from your nap, and the way you want to ride on your daddy’s back all over the house. IMG_6743

You surprise us daily with the new things you learn how to do.IMG_6744

We love you buddy!



As expected, December did not disappoint. There were babies born, and parties thrown, and trips made, and weight gained, and a baby Jesus celebrated.
I can’t wait to tell you guys all about our Christmas Break and all the fun we had. Until then, Happy New Year and see you in 2014!

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